AIn't? Means what?
Notice, AI is bold. Usual meaning. Though, there are many; of late, something called DL ('deep' learning) has taken hold on the imagination. Ain't? Grammar police baiting?
This post is a reminder of important topics to be discussed in the future.
Now future? Let's say, the one being touted by Peter Schiff (Dr. Doom) who has been even more vocal of late about the policies to ruin. I only listened to a minute's worth.
Has anyone noted that people yak, others listen (or pretend to)? Have you sat through a video of a mathematical proof? Sure, some semblance.
The point is that reading/writing is how deep (the real sense, not the wannabe of DL) knowledge gets conveyed across generations.
Now, deep? The whole phenomenal events related to grokking is an example. People pursue this by several means, one of which is finding a guru.
Why mention this? Not only do we have a false AI, robotics is becoming seen as an economic savior. You realize that some of the AI folks bragged about the fake faces being generated by their systems, none of which have any link to something real?
Robotics? The past year plus, many more companies have sought to use these. Mostly, they do some task that can be harmful for humans (Bezos types of actions). But, call a company. Chances are that you deal with a bot of some sort.
It's irritating for many reasons. Some companies have made it impossible to talk a person. And, chat? Bots, to boot.
Back to Peter. We're getting back into a regular posting mode. After all, this blog came from one that started in 2007 for reasons of writing of business silliness, some of it was motivated by stupidity while there were other things that are more malfeasance in nature.
So, AI can be used as a metaphor. It really is a type of 'umbrella' notion. Whereas in reality? We are talking advanced mathematics abetted by computing. And, there we can be more scientifically oriented than has been tried in the past.
Remarks: Modified: 12/25/2021
12/03/2021 -- Updated the notion with a graphic for AIn't.
12/25/2021 -- NSCAI and its report.
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