Saturday, December 14, 2024

Max Planck

We're doing something different this time. Usually, we talk write on ideas; today, we're mentioning a few people. But, the focus is Max Planck since one of his books is crucial to defining and testing truth engineering. 

He was the Nobel Prize Awardee for 1918: Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. This pointer goes to his profile on the Nobel site where the tabs are: Facts; Biographical; Nobel Lecture; Banquet speech; Nominations; Documentary; Photo gallery; Other resources. They have been updating the records for all Awardees, from the beginning which was in 1901. 

We intend to use this work for a review of the history of science in terms of decisions and their management using the Nobel choices to assess the cultural drifts. This year's prizes for Physics, Chemistry and Medicine got my attention, as I have been doing advanced computing (including AI) for decades. 

Earlier this year, I decided to pour through Planck's treatis on thermodynamics where he quotes those before him (Gibbs, van der Waals, and others) plus his contemporaries. By pour through, I mean actually get into his head and assess the situation, decisions, and such through the entire discussion. Why? Science is cultural as it is done by people. Mathematics may not admit such for itself, but science is known for this. If that is not known, then pay attention. 

My research is abetted by the computer. As well, I used AIn't in 2019 after determining that choices were being made that were not to best of anyone's interest, in the longer term. Also, I argue that there is no "critter" involved. We see applied mathematics being exercised on heated circuits in order to have various side effects that might be interesting. But, after the two years, we all see the failings. Where there is hype, one can still see disturbing acceptance of failed results.  

Okay, Planck represents the early science days when not much was known, intuition wsa a heavy hitter, lots of worldviews were extant and forceful, and such. Same conditions as now. Except one big thing. We have students learning almost as if their subject matter was deus ex machina. How did this  happen? Too, we have seen a decline in responsibility, a complete evacuation of the idea of quality, and more that represent a type of decline, yet the tools and resources are there to do better. 

Long term is the only thing that's true right now, for purposeful activity. But, it is not that bad. Before too long, we can start to lay out the model that looks to be interesting, albeit nothing of this matter is as simple as some would like. 

Brief biographical sketch

Remarks: Modified: 12/14/2024

12/14/2024 --

Back to work

We will be posting on a regular basis as we research and write about the basis for technology as it manifests in computational phenomena. And, that same dynamic gave us GenAI two years ago. We have been writing on the subject of machine learning (ML) masquerading as artificial intelligence (AI) for some time now. 

But, there will be a change. Our intent is to raise the discussion to pinpoint the mathematics involved, how it developed within the mathematical community, the aspects of the applied part that evolved within the scientific world, with the focus, now and then, to engineering and then the domain aspects which is where the myriad types of users live and work. 

It may be complicated, but we can turn the computer back on itself in order to force the emergence of a proper tool. That type of effort is now several decades ago. Let us remember the long slough while trying to keep ourselves on even keel when the world is super-excited about a sham, essentially. 

For now, we'll point to some recents posts elsewhere which deal with truth engineering. 
  • - at this location are papers by two individuals: Larry Walker (former Director of the Knowlege Systems Center - KSC - for Sperry Univac); and John (the author of this post). 
  • Science of Technology - recent post at the blog. This organziation has picked up "truth engineering" as a focus and will be managing activity related to future work. 
  • Maxwell and Gibbs - this is an article at LinkedIn (Ln) which is the FB for adults. Some of the papers for the KSC work were published at Ln. Generally, detailed work will not be pushed there; rather, this blog will handle that task and then summarize in the Ln environment. 
  • Type A? (at Quora/Switlik/Psychether) - first thing is that "psychether" is an old concept of John's that pre-dated truth engineering. Basically, it hypotheses an operational ability of nature that was lost due to choices made for promoting thermodynamics. This particular post looks at Maxwell's effort at doing a 3D model of Gibb's entropy surface of something water-like. As such, it is remarkable for the detailed approach of Maxwell plus his result which was sculpted in clay. Wait? Not of importance? Consider Maxwell's work on this. Then, leap to now when mere pushing of buttons might get a 3D printer to do something similar. Now, with that gap shown, let us then get into understanding and its importance. A crucial topic this will be. Just wait and see. 
  • TruthEng (Truth Engineering) - many of the papers referred to above are published at this site. This link goes to a bio sketch of John M. Switlik (author of this post) with respect to his career and continuing interest in computational truth. This site will be kept in sync with this one on blogger offering the same meaning in a different context. 
  • This site - will cover the wide basis for truth engineering. However, the particular experiences that led to the subject were in the context of Boeing Commercial Aircraft, engineering support using Knowledge Based Engineering. In particular, work with metals scientist David Jakstis set the operational foundation. 
  • ...
Technology will not be the sole focus of the effort at managing the untethered GenAI which is how the AI performed by ML has become known. People are the concern for many reasons. There are other blogs under this ID: Fedaerated; 7'Oops7. 

Remarks: Modified: 12/14/2024

12/14/2024 --