Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Theoretical computing

Finally, something to write about. Truth engineering dates back to the 2000/1 timeframe. It came about over the holiday break of 1999/2000 when Y2K was looking for trouble that didn't come. Too, I was working KBE which experience is being written. 

Then, there was the long grind of studying life and truth, from all angles. I retired and had time todo this. Around 2010, found some phenomenal matter to look at dealing with humans and their families. This was tempered by the experiences of the U.S. over 250 years and that of the colonies of America (basically, there were three biggies: Spain; France; England). 

Two years ago GenAI came on the scene. This was something that I had not anticipated to be done in the fashion that we saw. So, last year was more studying until things became clear since millions had used GenAI and the obvious was there. One of the players had been fairly regular and talking about their accomplishments, one of which was AlphaFold. 

I looked at this with a colleague. My only resolution from that was to tout that theoretical chemistry would be a the center of the debate and work. And, then, the past two days happened. I will point to another blog in order to set the stage for future discussions. 

1st - We heard that two machine learning fellows got the Nobel Prize. Our reaction: Machine Learning. To us, this means that the tone will change. AIn't is the reality. But, something is there? Yes, applied mathematics finally getting a grip on computational events as it has from the beginning. The effort of many has come home to roost. 

2nd - There were other Prizes yesterday which I did not pay attention to. Until this am, when I saw that Chemistry had three Lauretes. And, this work used that of the 1st bullet. In this case, though, AI was prevalent. Perhaps, it's the commercial influence. Our reaction: Computational Chemistry

Those two events set the stage for the future. Expect people to dig deeper now as they see that the top-level of Science starts to look at the phenomena related to AIn't.  

I have been expecting this and will stay involved. 

 Remarks: Modified: 10/09/2024

10/09/2024 --

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