The three of this photo, in a sense immortalized by the techniques that both represent our prowess (and portend so much), are now gone on to the wider realm after leaving us within a few months of each other. We can think of several labels for this collection, each with its own significance: tres hombres, three spirits, a trio of liberals, fathers, sons, and more. The one that will be the focus for awhile? Father and son.
Aside: It is an issue of either/or that allows comment about the 'realm' and more; one wonders what twists of phlegm-ish expectorants might be heaved this way as a result of the comment's impact.
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Tres hombres, Three Spirits, Trio of Liberals |
Ah, the innocence of the times of those photos. The time? It twas before either Presidents Ford or Carter. And, it was after the youngsters began to exhibit troublesome behavior on a mass scale, from the Free Speech movement onward. Now, mind you, put your mind, for a bit, away from the cloud (and its analogs; in other words, lose, if you can, the notion that we are at some peak of knowing-ness) and consider a subset of what became known as the 'boomer' generation. No one had any idea of what was going on (by the way, at some point, we'll put in links to songs that hinted, yet didn't deliver ..., art's purpose and limit) and do not now [know] in retrospect. And, when I say en masse, it is correct, as things mushroomed.
One telling thing, though, was the peaceful nature (record-breaking assemblages, sometimes peaceful); true, a lot of the focus was anti-war. And, it was mostly of the young (but, not altogether).
Aside: One might characterize some war as up-wellings of this same sort. We can go into that whole cycle, in depth, as we look at 1000-year influences that recur (again and again). Incidentally, have you thought of the Magna Carta (June 15th, sealed) lately? A lot of war is exploitation, though. Again, serfs as cannon fodder for their lords (who don't get their hands dirty).
All through history, there have been movements. In fact, in the physical sense, itinerant groups of people have always been a reality. There were more motivations than we want to go into here (economics plus, okay?). Yet, the power that became associated with the flow (time of the photo, okay?) was an existential affair that just welled because it could. The time was right. And, the time captured above was precursor to lots of 'flowering' that we see happening around the world.
Aside: Power to the people suggests that 'people' can be more than the 'elite' would like us to consider. Ignoring the T-issue, for now, people can be said to have much more potential than many are allowed (or have the opportunity) to develop. We've gone into that (search on 'new royalty' and other musings about 'lords' who like to lord (yes, pun) it over others) quite a bit (Hitch didn't 'lord' so much as trim down egos - certain types, that is).
So, in these remembrances, not all of the three can be included in each of the groupings that we can conceive. Yet, though one or two may have membership (we'll get to all this eventually), the other was (others were) not inimical to the ideas being put forth. There are many factors to consider, like Hitch's duty of self (autodidact, in a sense) implicit in his arguments . In fact, the relations, of the blogger, to each varies, too. Two were personally known. The third is associated via a set of measures (think about Kevin, for an example) and more.
Where are we now in relation to that time (of the photo)? It wasn't innocent for all (after all, we're talking two Yanks and a Brit, here - the new world's master and the older one who is still looking for wisdom); nor was it as innocent as it may have looked to some. Many seem to want to go back; others seem to think that they missed out by not being there (by the way, there?). Yet, when one considers the current problems (and looks at the players and the plays), they seem to be of the same ilk. Of course, we have better ways to message (and media up the wazoo); with the cloud, zombies can be anywhere, not necessarily 'altered' in any normal sense; no, they're just in a state that is a natural response to that which is coming as stimuli (another theme, of importance); and more. Who will be mind-ful of the younger sets? Will they be able to be so?
This post is a mere first step, a slight onset. Let's end with a couple of adages. There's nothing new under the sun (yes, technologists barf at this). And, the earth is round, but the world is flat (ah, as the barb said, a stage -- if you must, it's that interminable set of linear-izers that we all carry around (source for our conflicts that are based on sizing up (Hitch was good at that) each other) -- t-issues say that it's much more than that -- we'll get there).
10/13/2015 -- "God" as name or predicate? How about Being?
08/03/2015 -- George as inspiration of computing and existentialism.
04/23/2015 -- George at Beats in Kansas.
12/20/2014 -- George's birthday (1943). But, it was innocence, that of youth. That generation bifurcated, later, as is always the case (in all sorts of polarities - too, it split into many pieces). If we would look back at the boomers (and their times, flowers and all - my position, on the leading edge, not of but riding the waves of their impetus), they were the first to bring large numbers to the surge that we can observe with the change-of-cohort guard several times a century. There was, then, the emergence in other than the U.S., but here it (that energetic thrust - so sadly, not understood at all) played out more fully. ... How many "springs" have we seen of late? How many fruit'ed? Luckily, many do not outgrow their youthfulness (there are ways to characterize this, many of which bring derisive reactions - does not reduce the dynamics, though) and play their "adult" roles without losing their soul. Too many (one by the initials of DC - never reflects, ah - guy, you missed the scene?) let their responsibilities freeze that which brings them life (as in, ..., here goes, ..., no matter what role you play now, or your attitude, or your power, or your supposed gifts, or ..., you are still a "child" of ..., God, ...). ... I was lucky enough to catch GEK III in some of his boyish, innocent, ..., moments. ... Ah, how do we bring back the wonder back ...?
02/08/2014 -- Two years (02/09/2012), more on Truth Engineering (and, the hombres).
12/20/2013 -- George's 70th. So, looking at the tres, there is a sequence: personal, state, world, with various mixtures, thereof.
07/09/2013 -- Was there a time when father knew, whether all or most of the time? Many sons railed against that, GEK III, for instance. Some sons had absent fathers, who were no more than some ideal without any material substance. Some sons even followed their fathers. All sorts of positions along an axis. However, there is something new, now. An insidious overlay is threatening us; its origins come from advances in prowess that are less understood than those who practice think is so. Have we left serfdom to a feudal lord behind in order to be wrapped in a more dense veil?
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Closer than a shadow |
07/07/2013 -- Two years ago (07/06/2011), for GEK III. No comment, as of yet, on his FB page. Of course, social media, and its uses, are new to us. As a culture, we have a day, in late May, where many visit the graves of their families. Or, re-look at their ancestors. Let's do a slogan: Ancestors - closer than a shadow.
02/09/2013 -- One year ago, for CTS Jr. So many current events, and extant beings, are creating an ever-increasing stack of things to remark about. Why does the time and energy line seem to be tangent to this stack's principle curve (see, on FB, Engineer Memes)? Perhaps, the clue is to not bother with those superficial elements (as does social media, say FB, et al); rather, look at the more universal properties (yes, we are able, given effort) that are seemingly (as in, as far as we can know) endless.
10/13/2012 -- Truth and the senses.
07/06/2012 -- Today, we have the one-year remembrance of George Edward Kimball III (GEK III).
06/26/2012 -- Beyond words, for now.
06/20/2012 -- Will start to look at the basics.
06/17/2012 -- Need to bring in the father figure issue. Guys know that some play this role, beyond the family. It's inevitable. Part of the fabric of our being (in many more senses than the George Michael's song look -- see, I warned of this). Look, people, authority figures are 'father' figures (even if female -- the military knows this -- did you run across a 'mother' figure when you were in the service?); Hitch knew that we would have to deal with that in order to 'free' our minds. Of course, we'll visit this again.
06/17/2012 -- Again, innocence? The build-up in troops in southeast Asia was large by the time of these photos. For what? We ask now; ought to have asked then (still)? And now, all sorts of things are going on under the guise of America. We can ask: which America?
06/16/2012 -- Is it comical to use 'innocence' as Nixon was in office at the time?
Modified: 10/13/2015
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