Monday, May 20, 2013

Closer to Truth

In the last post, I mentioned an autodidact (Eric). Those types like to learn (which is not life-long learning, folks) in a self-directed manner. I am going to use him across all of the blogs (for instance, Eric lived simply; he did not have a mansion, large car, etc. -- yet, he is of the type that I've talked about where we could run finance better than it is now). That task is still pending.


Let me, first, re-introduce an important concept (mentioned here many times): quasi-empirical arguments. Wikipedia has a nice write up on the subject, for starters. See this 7'oops7 post on motivation.


even big T' aspects
I ran across "Closer to truth" today and wanted to get it brought to the fore. In one of the videos that I saw, Wolfram talked about his ideas on an oft-debated mathematical topic: is it invented or discovered?

You see, if the former, how could one be other than quasi-empirically oriented? From my own experience and from many comments that I've read, some practitioners (of the teaching ilk) seem to assume the latter which is accessible to special types of minds (which may be partly so - another topic of interest, as Truth is available to all).

One has to pop out to about 7:45 on the video for the quasi-empirical portion - or listen to that point to hear the preparatory matters). I've referenced Wolfram before (other contexts); it's nice that he understands the limits (perhaps, his computational focus brings this to the fore).

I'll be getting back to this topic, in the the context of computability in the world, and more.


This is one example video; I expect that there will be more to use (and big "T" Truth is covered, to boot, by the series).


05/21/2013 -- Penrose has a good take on the question. Mathematics, in so far as its involved with nature, was there long before humans came around. The humans are those who are the inventors of mathematics? Sounds silly, right? Of course, one has to note the different connotations of "mathematics". Humans worked out the language aspect (how the essence is conveyed and shared), no doubt, over a long period of time.

Modified: 05/21/2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Eric Hoffer

The longshoreman philosopher. He is on the list of notable autodidacts (a category to which I would like to belong).


This post is going to be put on the three related blogs (Truth Engineering, 7'oops7, FEDaerated [already mentioned in the context of autodidactism]) each post tailored to the context of the blog's theme) indicating a change of tone and of focus. I was in San Francisco during the time (1967-70) when Eric walked the streets, pondering matters, and ran across him from time to time. His most popular book was a nice read but did not resonate with me (those T-issues [Anselm as an example] that cause so many problems; these are best skirted around many times (mind you, did not say ignore entirely)), however I have always respected the guy and his work.


This itinerant citizen saw more of the American experience than did 99.999% of his cohorts and those of subsequent times.  And, he was 1st generation. It is probably fortunate that he ended up on San Francisco (where the song writer left his heart). I would bet that Eric did not associate much (if at all) with the beat view (which, if you look at it closely, are of the fortunate sons [thanks, CCR] - wait, there I go again [by character, cannot guarantee descending into the mocking stance which has become so prevalent -- why is that?]).

We'll go on about the travels of Eric from time to time. For instance, he spent several years in skid row of Los Angeles. I worked at the Union Rescue Mission (early 1960s; recently, I looked at the website and was saddened to hear that now they're dealing with families - not older, derelict men) for a couple of years.


If the USA is going to mean something, it won't be via military might (if I add, not by that alone, will you keep off the reflexive hero worship thing that forces many to rant interminably?). Rather, this country has many ways to continue (or to try to attempt) to be the "city on the hill" (if only John Winthrop knew). People like Eric [and many other types, but not financial pirates] will be key.

Too, his self-learning was important. How does one test the knowledge of such types? Well, truth engineering will deal with that. To boot, the independent view that we all need [the inverse of this view is the politician whose saliva kicks in at the sight of (or the thought of) a buck (or any other money) -- there I go again, except I'm waiting to see how Elizabeth W. pans out [a note arrived today with the subject that she needs a partner])] was one of Eric's many qualities.


This is only a start. Let's not forget Eric (Jul 1902 to May 1983) and his kind.


07/09/2013 -- Was there a time when father knew, whether all or most of the time? Many sons railed against that, GEK III, for instance. Some sons had absent fathers, who were no more than some ideal without any material substance. Some sons even followed their fathers. All sorts of positions along an axis. However, there is something new, now. An insidious overlay is threatening us; its origins come from advances in prowess that are less understood than those who practice think is so. Have we left serfdom to a feudal lord behind in order to be wrapped in a more dense veil? The key notion is quasi-empicisism and its being ignored.

05/14/2013 -- Capitalism magazine published, 10 years ago, Thomas Sowell's The Legacy of Eric Hopper.  Praise be the Internet!

Modified: 07/09/2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I ran across him today while browsing through Wessex history. Anselm was involved with the discussions related to Edith marrying Henry.

You see, Edith, in this case, is the daughter of Malcolm III (King of Scotland) and his wife, St. Margaret. Edith purportedly had taken religious vows (in a convent) earlier. Could she marry without incurring some type of retributive reaction by the Church?

At the time, Anselm was the Archbishop of Canterbury which is a fairly high-ranking position in England, both then and now. So, he had to weigh in.

Well, Edith argued that being in the convent was by her mother's ruse to keep little Edith from falling into the hands of the Normans (those lusty ones from the continent). So, Edith won her argument, changed her name to Matilda and married Henry.

Henry? Yes, Henry I of England who was the son of William I and, thereby, partly Norman.


But, that was a little aside (not a Who am I?) and introduction. This post is a start to re-establish Anselm's importance which we'll be looking at more fully. One motivation is the upcoming 1000th anniversary for him. He was born (circa) 1033. So, we have 20 years to get ready for this.

By then, we'll have had a lot of experience with all of the celebrations coming up that are 400th in flavor (numerous American cities and states), 800th (Magna Charta), and more.

Anselm's "ontological" argument has been scorned by some modern intellectuals who, for the most part, use mathematics as their ruse. And, these modern arguments use a sleight-of-hand to direct our attention away from the less-than-solid basis of their argument.

One of our tasks is to illustrate this problem and to discuss what it means to our future. There has already been a slight start: nods to the quasi-empirical views (several posts).


Does this post open up the big "T" issues? Not exactly. There is plenty of territory (hint, here) to cover prior to that.


10/13/2015 -- "God" as name or predicate? How about Being?

05/21/2013 -- The big "T" issues can come to fore. By the way, "truh" in the file name? Mis-type, of course. But, interesting enough to not correct. Will have to start using the "Preview" feature more regularly (note the statement that these posts use no fancy editor; iterative write/review/edit steps are the key; just like the old days whey people wrote on paper). The process pops up the page in a fully formatted manner (nice, that allows the necessary pre-edits (some of which I used to do after the fact - incremental improvement, evolution, ... -- it bothers me when someone shows a final product as if it were obtained by magic (or Deus ex machina); let me see the details and intermediate steps, please).

05/03/2013 -- Either/Or.

Modified: 10/13/2015